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Julian Is A Mermaid

Reception Winner

Julian is a Mermaid

Author: Jessica Love
Publisher: Walker

The Dam

KS1 Winner

The Dam

Author: David Almond
Publisher: Walker

The Lost Magician

KS2 Winner

The Lost Magician

Author: Piers Torday
Publisher: Quercus

Julian Is A Mermaid

Non-Fiction Winner

Alistair Humphreys' Great Adventures

Author: Alistair Humphreys
Publisher: Templar Publishing

Greta Zargo and the amoeba monsters from the middle of the earth

First News Funny Winner

Greta Zargo and the amoeba monsters from the middle of the earth

Author: A.F Harrold
Publisher: Bloomsbury

Roald Dahl

Teachers' Choice Winner

Roald Dahl