Promethean has teamed up with Charanga to bring ITV's popular quiz show into the classroom.
Rest assured, the partnership is offering schools a new educational experience and not an opportunity for their students to get rich quick. Compatible with Promethean’s Learner Response Systems, Millionaire For Schools provides teachers with hundreds of ready-to-use quizzes for KS1–4, taking in maths, English, science and history, geography, ICT and e-safety, art & design, and music.
All questions have been written by teachers and approved by the Educational Advisory Board, whilst the experience is packed full of authentic WWTBAM? features – ‘50:50’, ‘Ask the Audience’ and the like. Students can event print off ‘cheques’ for 1,000,000 points when they successfully complete a quiz. Head to
Talking their language
Say Hello to ‘Shine a Light’
KS2 Writing Competition - WrestleMania