New initiative launched to recognise skills and expertise of those delivering children’s physical activity
Capre, the Children’s Activity Professionals Register, has been launched by SkillsActive to recognise the skills, experience and expertise of those who deliver sport and physical activity to children and young people.
Capre will allow schools to check whether someone is a Capre member – ensuring an informed decision can be made regarding the person who is delivering sport or physical activity has the required qualifications to deliver to a high standard.
With a recent media focus on childhood obesity, the way in which sport and physical activity is delivered is under more scrutiny than ever. Children’s enthusiasm towards sport and physical activity is often dependent on how it is delivered, and Capre members have the skills and qualifications to deliver sessions in a fun, engaging and safe manner.
Capre has been developed in partnership with a range of organisations including COMPASS, Premier Sport, First for Sport, Let Me Play, Sports Plus Scheme and Fulham FC Foundation. The support from these industry leaders demonstrate just how highly this new Register is regarded.
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