Fundraising from Education Support Partnership uses hashtag #notquittingteaching
With teachers many new teachers leaving the profession in the first few years, a new fundraising appeal from national charity the Education Support Partnership has been rolled out this month reaching 30,000 recipients to consider what help they need stay the course.
As well as a traditional fundraising, the appeal aims to highlight the support that the charity provides to those who are struggling in their jobs. It will also harness the power of social media to encourage all teachers to share the details of their best moments at work using the hashtag #NotQuittingTeaching – an activity designed to help motivate struggling young teachers.
This appeal comes at a time when one in six NQTs are leaving teaching within six months of commencing their first post, and research conducted by YouGov for the Education Support Partnership in June identified that the triggers for all teachers looking to leave in their first five years were excessive workloads (40 per cent), unreasonable demands from line managers (24 per cent), rapid pace of organisational change (18 per cent) and student behaviour (13 per cent).
Education Support Partnership CEO, Julian Stanley, says: “The responsibility for supporting new teachers should be equally weighted between school leadership, teacher training institutions and policy makers. Teaching is an amazing profession and one that can still be a career for life. But in order to achieve this we need to counter the barrage of negativity facing the education sector and instead celebrate the experiences of our teachers so that the profession can once more become a career that young people are proud of.”
The appeal will be the first ‘public outing’ of the Education Support Partnership, the new combined name for Teacher Support Network, Recourse & Work Life Support. The charity was first established in 1877 and has since grown to provide a wide range of emotional, financial and practical support to those working in schools, HE or FE.
Every single donation the Education Support Partnership receives goes to help at least one teacher or lecturer.
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