Resources, prizes and motivation for primary literacy
If you associate Booker T with R&B, and you think a suplex is a fluffy dessert, the children will soon set you straight. They are, of course, both connected to the flamboyant world of WWE (no, not that one).
There are many World Wrestling Entertainment fans in the primary classroom and since the best way to tempt children into writing is to tap into their interests, the WWE has joined with the National Literacy Trust (NLT) to launch the ‘Road to WrestleMania’ competition.
Entering the competition will encourage pupils to produce their best written work as they take on the role of an up-and-coming sports entertainment manager looking to transform their client into a WWE Superstar or Diva – again, ask the kids. This challenging position involves everything from creating an entertaining character to writing a storyline for the show.
Although children will likely find the project appealing in its own right, there is an additional and rather tasty carrot involved. Children who complete the challenge will be in with the chance of winning a night as a guest manager at a WWE UK live event during the WrestleMania Revenge tour in April 2013.
Each school that registers will receive a classroom poster, downloadable certificates for each pupil who completes all the tasks, a downloadable Manager’s Log Book for pupils to complete their tasks in, and exciting film clips introducing each task.
The deadline for entries is 5pm on Friday 30th November, 2012.
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