Sidelined supply teachers need more training to counter negative press
Ahead of National Supply Teachers Week, Randstad Education is partnering with Sheffield Institute of Education to host the first ever national professional development conference for UK supply teachers. The idea is to tackle the negativity in the press surrounding supply teacher standards by increased training.
Specialist supply teaching agency, Randstad, believes that supply teaching needs more visibility as an alternative route for NQTs, to square off the current staffing shortage in schools. The company has analysed national media coverage over the past 15 years, and found that the press profile of supply teaching is in steady decline, and becoming increasingly negative.
Randstad Education’s one-day conference will be held at Sheffield Hallam University on Saturday 20 June. In support of National Supply Teachers week, it is free to attend (worth £275 per delegate), and supply teachers will be offered advice on implementing effective and innovative teaching and learning strategies in the classroom. The all-day event will also include four bespoke, interactive workshops on priority educational themes, and participants will also have a choice of subject specialist sessions across science, maths and English.
The event is open to all supply teachers across the UK, and those interested in attending can register online here.
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