Children and communities across the UK to protect pollinating insects thanks to £1.4m Heritage Lottery Fund grant
Learning through Landscapes’ Polli:Nation project enabling 260 schools help save the UK’s pollinators. Thanks to the Heritage Lottery Fund’s (HLF) £1.4m grant, this UK-wide biodiversity project will support schools and communities in helping to protect the future of our seriously dwindling pollinating insect population.
Polli:Nation will engage pupils, teachers and volunteers across the country to transform school grounds and local community spaces into pollinator-friendly habitats. Children will learn all about pollinators and make changes to their local environments to improve opportunities for these precious insects.
A report by the Natural Capital Committee showed how the decline in our natural environment is harmful to the economy. ‘Free’ pollination by bees and other insects has previously been estimated at £430m to UK agriculture each year and is crucial to the survival of our countryside, but pollinating insects are in severe decline. One of the main drivers of this decline is thought to be the loss of natural and semi-natural habitats.
Click here for more info on Polli:Nation
Learning through Landscapes is the national charity working to ensure that every child benefits from outdoor learning and play. Head to to find out more.
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