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You’re no more likely to find a ‘half’ in the real world than a tap-dancing fish, which is why it’s important that young learners learn about fractions as relationships, not objects, says Mike Askew...
The writing’s on the wall... and the floor and any other hard surface that children can paint, scribble or draw on, say Susan Humphries and Susan Rowe...
For headteacher Richard Jenkins and his team at The Meads Primary School in Luton, having the right attitude to teaching and learning is imperative if everybody is to succeed, as Jacob Stow explains...
Carol Dweck’s seminal book, Mindset, gets to the heart of good teaching and learning, says Tim Taylor – the belief that intelligence isn’t fixed and no one has failed until they have stopped trying...
Is competing to win a garden gnome toothpick holder really going to improve behaviour? When the trickiest children get all the rewards, you might need a more elegant solution, says Paul Dix...
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