Free Primary Learning Resources; Lesson Plans and CPD for Reception, KS1 and KS2

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  • Is headship a poisoned chalice?

    With changing definitions, expectations and governments, wearing the crown of headship is starting to look as perilous as an episode of Game of Thrones

    Main Subject: CPD

    Subject: Leadership

    Author: Michael Tidd

  • The tipping point for more expansive education is on its way

    We must be bold to hasten its arrival. Don’t give up the fight

    Main Subject: CPD

    Subject: School improvement

    Author: Guy Claxton

  • School slogans should mean something

    If your school vision statement sounds like an advertising tagline, bin it. You needn’t be Don Draper to come up with some simple words for kids to live by

    Main Subject: CPD

    Subject: School improvement

    Author: Teach Primary

  • Dame Stella Rimington: “I didn’t realise I’d joined MI5”

    Dame Stella Rimington rose from part-time clerk to the first female Director General of MI5, and was the inspiration for Judi Dench’s M in the James Bond universe along the way

    Main Subject: CPD

    Subject: Interview

    Author: Lloyd Burgess

  • Debunking Ofsted inspection myths

    News of an Ofsted visit can drive teachers into a frenzy of unnecessary preparation. Julie Price Grimshaw debunks the anxiety-inducing myths at the heart of the nightmare

    Main Subject: CPD


    Author: Julie Price-Grimshaw

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