From January, PM Readers will be sold and supplied by Scholastic UK. PM is the largest and most finely levelled reading programme in the UK, with a proven approach to developing successful readers.
PM is the largest and most finely levelled reading programme in the UK, with a proven approach to developing successful readers.
The PM collection provides children with a huge variety of fiction and non-fiction to enjoy and provides teachers with a pedagogically sound, proven approach to making every child a successful, balanced reader.
A unique collection of over 900 meticulously levelled fiction and non-fiction books, PM provides quality, variety and breadth to ensure pupils build confidence through gradual progression and enjoy the experience of learning to read.
PM is a highly supportive reading programme for teachers, giving you the reassurance that every child can succeed, as well as the ability to accurately measure reading progress and meet National Curriculum and Ofsted requirements.
Introduce PM as a whole-school reading programme, use it as a reading intervention tool or simply top-up your library. PM also compliments existing reading schemes.
The particular needs of young children is uppermost in the minds of authors, editors, designers, illustrators and publishers when contributing to the PM series. The PM philosophy is always a priority when developing PM resources and relies on the following principles:
Children learn to read well if they are encouraged to use a variety of skills, processes and behaviours, rather than a particular method or approach;
When children are learning to read they should be given materials that have been carefully crafted to meet their needs – books that give them, from their earliest experiences with the printed word, success, enjoyment and understanding
Every book in the PM collection has been shaped to support these twin tenets
Careful levelling
Gentle introduction of new words
Clear structures to aid comprehension
Close text/illustration match
Natural language
Engaging content
Reading mileage
PM books are ideal for shared, guided and independent reading and can be easily implemented across the whole school or class, or simply used to top-up reading resources. You can order according to your needs with our flexible buying options. Browse the PM catalogue and find the right books for your pupils here or download the PM order form here.
For all enquiries please contact our friendly customer services team on 0845 6039091 or
To request a PM catalogue please e-mail us at or visit our website
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