Child-friendly ‘I can’ Statements to support self-assessment
Available for Years 1 to 6 in English and mathematics, this resource:
The ‘I can’ Statements are available as PDFs or as editable documents so that you can amend to suit your school’s needs.
When we asked Michael Tidd, Deputy Head teacher at Edgewood Primary School, what he thought of the Rising Stars ‘I can’ Statements, he said: “The mastery statements that accompany each objective provide clear questions for teachers to use with pupils to help make those judgements about whether a pupil has really understood a concept or mastered a skill”.
Peter Richardson, Assistant Head teacher at Walton le Dale Primary has also kindly shared his feedback: “One of the great things about the Rising Stars Progression Frameworks is the additional guidance it gives teachers to make judgements on individual objectives. This helps create far more consistency in assessments than otherwise would be likely….Now the support comes full circle, back to where it is most needed. The children. The Rising Stars ‘I can’ Statements not only give children a clear understanding in just one sentence, they also further support teachers with mastery questions to help assess understanding.”
Peter has also shared how he’s planning to use the Rising Stars ‘I can’ Statements to create sets of objectives that focus on the needs of his school. For example, in mathematics, they have created a ‘Maths Passport’ with ten key objectives for each year group which will incorporate the ‘I can’ Statements. Other ideas include using them to create explanation videos for children (and parents), and using them to support guided reading. You can read Peter’s feedback and ideas for how to use the ‘I can’ Statements on his blog here.
Order the ‘I can’ Statements on the Rising Stars website here and enter WB0004039 at the checkout to claim your 15% discount.* It’s a simple one-off download – no subscription required! PLUS every teacher in your school will gain instant access at no extra cost.
*Offer expires 31.08.17. RRP £99 + VAT.