Using recycled materials is more than going to your local authority tip!!!
It’s about carefully selected materials and good quality training in using them. Members of staff in our school have attended training sessions at WEAVE Recycle, the creative recycling centre in Leamington Spa. Inspiration and ideas have been brought back and recycled throughout the school by teachers, classroom assistants, and midday supervisors.
In the classrooms our WEAVE registration means we have an ever-changing variety of high quality recycled resources for the children to use in exploratory learning. Children construct their own small world/role play scenes enabling them to create and enact different scenarios. This greatly enriches such areas of the curriculum as story writing as well as introducing famous historical tales and geographic landscapes. Children are constructing landscapes, making costumes and artefacts to act out stories. WEAVE resources are also frequently used to teach maths. Staff and children together are beginning to produce teaching resources from the recycled materials.
Government expectations of carbon reduction commitments from local authorities will likely be passed down to us in schools. One way of addressing this challenge is through procurement. In our school we aspire to reduce our reliance on buying new teaching resources. Instead we plan to build our own using recycled materials. 01926 430068
Primary Mandarin
Primary Languages