Bringing History To Life!
Out of the Ark Music are adding four exciting new titles to their ‘That’s What I Call A Class Assembly’ range of resources, this time focussing on famous people. Christopher Columbus, Neil Armstrong, William Shakespeare and Florence Nightingale are flexible book & CD packages that perfectly link with the new national curriculum for history, supporting and re-enforcing learning. Each title includes catchy fact-based songs, a short flexible mini-play, cross curricular ideas and much more.
The full range of ‘Class Assembly’ resources now includes twelve invaluable titles, each one designed to really bring history to life and help children retain the key facts in a specific topic that they have been learning. Please visit our website for the full range of titles within this series.
Christopher Columbus
In 1492 everyone thought Columbus was crazy to sail west into the unknown! Learn about his adventures across the Atlantic on ships Santa Maria, Pinta, and Niña. Share in the crew’s struggle with provisions, celebrate as they eventually catch sight of dry land and meet the natives of San Salvador as they drum, dance and trade with the visitors. Includes Spanish music and drumming parts for The Natives’ Greeting song.
Neil Armstrong
During the 1960s the space race was at full throttle! Meet Neil Armstrong and his team of famous astronauts to find out what really happened in the race to land on the moon. Present a TV chat show to interview the astronauts, re-enact scenes from their early lives, conduct a fast-paced quiz about the space race and perform some intergalactic music to enhance the exciting final-countdown moments before lift-off!
COMPARE & CONTRAST Explorers Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong
We’ve even made it easy to support your curriculum requirements by providing an additional song Great Explorers in both titles, which compares land explorer Christopher Columbus with space explorer Neil Armstrong!
“Columbus had a fleet of ships that sailed the vast Atlantic. Armstrong had a rocket ship, its power was gigantic!” Lyrics from the song Great Explorers
Proud to be a partner of Shakespeare Week 16 – 22 March 2015
William Shakespeare – to perform or not to perform? That is the question! Join a company of Shakespearean players both behind the scenes and a centre stage at the Globe Theatre, London. Share the audience’s experiences of avoiding the pickpockets whilst being entertained, take part in a performance with Elizabethan dancing, recite all your favourite Shakespeare lines which are included in this production and you’ll never forget how many sonnets Shakespeare wrote once you’ve sung these songs (154 to be precise). Includes Elizabethan music.
Florence Nightingale – Join Florence Nightingale as she is presented with an award by Queen Victoria in recognition of all she has achieved. Learn all about her life and work as you meet her family, the soldiers in her care and the doctors whose hospitals she transformed.
• Four pages of exciting curriculum ideas and extension work
• Script for a mini musical/assembly
• Music score and lyrics for 3 or 4 songs
• Percussion and recorder parts
• Vocal and backing tracks
• Interactive whiteboard lyrics synchronised with vocal and backing tracks on our Words on Screen™ format.
AGES: 6 – 11
PRICE: Book & Enhanced CD £16.95 (includes performance licence)
Out of the Ark Music Tel: 020 8481 7200
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