Our mission is to inspire children using the CRAFT principles and steps combined with memorable quotes. The CRAFT principles which are; Choices, Relationships, Actions, Feelings and Thoughts can be applied in 5 powerful and easy-to-follow steps;
1. Think It.
2. Feel It.
3. Choose It.
4. Do It.
5. Share It.
The CRAFT principles and steps provide children with the tools to make effective decisions that result in positive actions and are also a great resource for classroom management as teachers can recognise pupils who demonstrate each principle.
Visit www.craftingfutures.com for a range of entertaining and thought provoking resources that will help your pupils to apply the principles each day, helped along by the unforgettable CRAFT characters which bring each principle to life.
Make sure that you also follow the CRAFT characters’ blog as they discover the power of the CRAFT principles, encounter unique obstacles and unusual creatures in their current adventure.
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