An award-winning monthly science magazine for children with accompanying downloadable lesson plans for Y2-6.
According to a recent report from the Wellcome Trust, UK primary schools, on average, teach science for just one hour and 24 minutes a week. Only 42% of schools teach science for two or more hours a week.
This is why primary science is one of the trust’s education priorities. Transforming the teaching of science in primary schools so that every pupil has an excellent first experience is multi-dimensional, and inspirational resources play a key part.
As a subject area, science is well-stocked and stimulating: empowering, invigorating content can be found everywhere.
One source teeming with ideas for getting children hooked on the subject is the cleverly kaleidoscopic magazine Whizz Pop Bang, an attractively illustrated, full-colour, monthly publication that pulsates with scientific energy and is steaming with cross-curricular opportunities.
The magazine covers an impressive range of topics and ideas and is cerebrally organised with content that moves effortlessly from news, experiments and making things through to new discoveries, fascinating facts, puzzles and quizzes.
It has plenty in between too, including interviews, fact files on famous scientists, questions galore, jokes and competitions. It also busts some myths and includes QR codes to relevant web pages.
Whizz Pop Bang is like a deluxe selection box of fireworks and worth every penny of its subscription. You get diversity, depth and magic, mixed with plenty of fizz, crackle and great entertainment.
And that’s not it – there are also new downloadable lesson packs available that can easily be integrated into your science planning.
These colourful, interactive, dynamic packs contain differentiated lesson plans, simple hands-on investigations, engaging PowerPoints and fun games with plenty of things to investigate and ways to boost children’s science capital.
This is a creative collection of ideas for thinking, talking and doing.
The lesson packs are ideal for engaging children and promoting high-quality thinking, discussion and deeper understanding. They are structured in a child-friendly way with clear explanations, and naturally inspire a greater confidence to share ideas, discuss and work collaboratively.
This helps improve science vocabulary and encourages children to ask more questions. The lesson packs are perfect for guided reading too.
Whizz Pop Bang magazine and lesson packs are golden nuggets to enhance your science provision and will engage children in carrying out enquiries as real scientists. With high production values and intelligent and enriching content, Whizz Pop Bang is real Blue Peter badge material.
You are looking for fun, simple and affordable science ideas and resources to spark children’s curiosity, develop their thinking skills and boost the profile of science across your school.
Lesson pack downloads, early bird discount from £45 per year; magazine subscription, from £39.99 per year. Find out more at
Reviewed by John Dabell
Paul Durham - The Luck Uglies
ReallySchool by NetSupport
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