Mathletics is helping millions of children enjoy maths and improve their results!
3P Learning’s Mathletics is helping millions of children around the world love learning and improve their maths results. The online program contains thousands of maths activities, aligned to all curricula in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Mathletics contains an extensive range of printable eBooks, SATs style diagnostic challenges, fun games, Concept Search Tool and much more. Teachers can easily differentiate and personalise learning to meet the needs of all pupils. Mathletics also adds a competitive dimension to learning, allowing students to play live mental arithmetic games against other pupils from around the world in a completely safe environment.
Mathletics is proven to increase student’s results in maths. If used for at least an hour a week, pupils will see an improvement in results by an average of 31%.
Students can complete activities and tasks at school or home. Performance data for each student and class is recorded and stored in an online mark book, allowing teachers to address the needs of all individuals. Accessible 24/7, Mathletics successfully motivates young people to want to do more maths.
We’ve been using Mathletics in our school for 5 years now and it just gets better and better. Its versatility means that it is equally useful as a tool for use in the classroom or for children to use independently at home. When children have free time on the computers or iPads, Mathletics is always the most popular choice of activity. The greatest thing about it is that it makes all children, regardless of ability, see themselves as successful mathematicians.
Carol Newton, Whingate Primary School
Mathletics has helped our pupils become more confident and engaged in Maths. Pupils love earning certificates and credits and hence are motivated to keep improving their maths. Being able to tailor courses for pupils and track results on Mathletics are valuable tools to help monitor student progress.
Andrew Mubeezi, St John Bosco College, London
For more information and to register for a FREE two week trial please visit
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