The DfE have announced that level descriptors will not be used within the new National Curriculum...
...and that it will be up to teachers to decide how best to assess the progress that pupils are making in relation to the new Programmes of Study. This has left many schools feeling uncertain about how they will assess their pupils’ learning and demonstrate progress to parents and Ofsted.
Brand new Progress Tests for the new 2014 National Curriculum
The brand new Rising Stars New National Curriculum Assessment range has been developed and written specifically to provide a whole-school approach to assessment for the new Programmes of Study for primary English, mathematics and science. The new range will allow you to:
• Identify strengths and weaknesses
• Measure progress
• Track learning throughout the year
Why use Rising Stars New Curriculum Assessment?
• Easy-to-use – the progress tests have been written by practising teachers, subject specialists and advisers and have been extensively trialled and tested to ensure they are straightforward and easy-to-use in class
• Whole-school approach – the range is available from Year 1 to Year 6, meaning that schools can ensure consistency across the year groups and assess both in-year and year-on-year learning
• Fully linked to the new 2014 National Curriculum – all the tests are fully based on the new 2014 Programmes of Study and can be used with confidence to support learning
• Encourages progress – the tests will quickly flag if pupils are failing to achieve the expected levels of progress through the year, allowing teaching to be directed in the areas needed
• Clear outcomes – the results offer meaningful and understandable information for pupils, parents, teachers, school leaders, governors and Ofsted
The range is available for Mathematics, Science, Reading and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling and comes in handy photocopiable book and CD-ROM packs. Each CD-ROM also includes a unique Progress Tracker tool that allows teachers to track and report on individual pupils and classes.
To find out more and download some sample progress tests to try out in your school visit
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