A blended science solution for KS1 and KS2
Empiribox is a specialist provider that helps teachers deliver national curriculum aligned, practical science lessons. It is committed to the advancement of practical science and its online lessons and in-school extension boxes provide a perfectly blended solution.
If Covid has shown us anything, it is just how important science is to the world’s wellbeing. Sadly, the UK has a massive skills shortage in terms of science graduates, and while we’re all aware of this, it’s tempting to see it as a secondary sector issue.
Troubling research shows us that children’s interest in science wanes as they go up through the year groups in KS2. We can address this.
This year we’ve all had to learn how to teach virtually. How amazing would it be if we could call on a science teacher to deliver lessons for us? Empiribox @ Home allows you to assign chosen lessons to your pupils without any need to log in.
Curriculum aligned, practical science investigations utilising commonplace items from around the home and school with prepared worksheets and quizzes affords teachers complete peace of mind. Learning at home and at school is seamlessly blended.
There has been much talk about the new Ofsted framework’s deep dive inspection conversations with subject leaders and pupils. Empiribox Select allows every teacher to choose science extension lesson boxes that work perfectly alongside Empiribox @ Home but also marry with any existing curriculum.
Complete with all the equipment needed for multiple practical classroom investigations, lesson plans, PowerPoint files and teacher tutorials, Empiribox Select facilitates enhanced application of the increasing focus on scientific skills.
Science graduates make up 3% of all primary teachers, with 68% having no science qualification past GCSE.
However, there is an expectation that primary teachers have the time to master complex scientific theories, condense them to age appropriate comprehensible elements and then manage 30+ pupils as they complete the relevant investigations.
Empiribox commits wholeheartedly to ongoing CPD around science knowledge, the pedagogy of teaching scientific skills and whole class practical science management, providing exemplar lessons, teacher tutorials and in-school training.
There is currently a great emphasis on pupil catch up. At Empiribox we correlate cross-curricular activities to reinforce both English and maths national curriculum objectives.
While practical science marries overtly with multiple aspects of mathematics, the cross-over with English is often neglected. However, the opportunity to reinforce myriad reading and writing composition objectives is immense.
We suggest curriculum aligned activities to the other core subjects throughout KS2, affording pupils truly joined up learning.
For more information call 01865 670 067, email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) and visit empiribox.com.
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