The Wrong End of the Dog JacketPhilip ‘Beardy’ Ardagh has a way with words; or, quite possibly, they have a way with him. In either case, the results are a delight. Along the same lines as the works of Lear and Milligan – but in no way derivative – Ardagh’s prose is a glorious, gleeful tumble of convincing silliness that never drops the pace or tries too hard (what else would a famous film star be called, but ‘Tawdry Hipbone’?) This is the fourth book of ‘Grubtown Tales’, and like the others, it practically fizzes with unforced energy, enthusiasm and, yes, innocence. Absurdly brilliant – your inner child will love it as much as the ones your outer adult is supposed to be teaching.
Pig's back in this incredible fourth diary told in an original, hilarious and unforgettable voice and packed with Pig's own drawings. This is fresh and silly laugh-out-loud humour…
Read Book ReviewAuthor: Harriet Goodwin
Phoenix has no desire to spend his summer at a stange house, with a cousin he barely knows. But when he finds a secret letter written by his mother, Elvira, shortly before she…
Read Book ReviewAuthor: Simon Mason
It’s never too early for pupils to start understanding the inherent difficulties in the study of history – the importance of knowing whence one’s information is coming, and…
Read Book ReviewAuthor: Annemarie Allan
Kelpies, selkies and trows – oh, my! Scottish folklore (and specifically, Robert Kirk’s The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies) is the basis of the latest novel by…
Read Book ReviewAuthor: Simon Mason
Tales of dysfunctional family units are hardly a rarity amongst books aimed at the 9+ age group – however, Simon Mason’s wonderful lightness of touch makes this novel…
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