Desert Rose

  • Author
    Alison Jackson
  • ISBN
  • Publisher
    Walker Childrens
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Ok, try the following: “Hot butter beans! I’ll mosey on into town with this here gold nugget and buy me the biggest, fattest hog in all of Texas…” Seriously, this is a book that begs to be read aloud – but if you can’t do the accent, then you’d be better off finding a copy of the original English fairy tale on which it’s based (The Old Woman and her Pig, as collected by Joseph Jacobs). If, on the other hand, you can pull off a reasonably authentic cowboy drawl, then get stuck in, as this hilarious reworking of the old cumulative story of an uncooperative animal and the chain of events needed to get it moving will have your audience rolling in the aisles. It would be great fun to act out, too.