
C overing STEM in primary schools all too often involves hiring an expert for one week per year. Chances are, many of your KS1 pupils are regularly building and creating at home, whether that’s with Lego, junkmodelling or evenMinecraft. You can help develop these creative engineering and technology skills within a purposeful classroom learning environment with these simple ideas. You’ll only need a few basic resources and once you get started, you’ll realise howmuch fun it can be to teach STEM on a regular basis. Build a boat What you’ll need: aluminium foil, weights (eg coins), trays of water The hook: ReadWho Sank the Boat? by Pamela Allen or look at photos of different boats. Discuss floating and misconceptions around heavy things always sinking. Activity (20mins): Give each group three squares of aluminium foil and some weights. Ask them to design and build three different boats (different shapes, side heights, sizes, etc) to hold weights. Ask the children tomake predictions then test these out. While buoyancy and upthrust are not KS1 content, the enquiry and experimentation needed in this activitymake it great for STEMskills practice. Take it further: Give children junk materials, tape and scissors to build a boat for toy characters. How can they make the boat waterproof?What can keep the boat afloat? Can they build a boat that will keep a can of food afloat? Shoot a film What you’ll need: iPad or tablet per small group with free Stop Motion Studio app downloaded, paper, pencil, counters The hook: Show pupils a short simple stop-motion video online. Discuss how long these take to make and the need to be slow and precise. 62 | Calling all science coordinators – here’s how to ensure your curriculum is top-notch… p64 Get hands-on in KS1 with these STEMactivity ideas INS I DE THI S SECT I ON Five practical ways to cover the computing curriculum in KS1, including algorithms and programming Online CPD has rocketed in popularity since lockdown – here’s how to get involved... Don’t miss our history, geography & RE special, on sale 28th August 2020 STEM SPECIAL Pick up STICKS p69 p66 LAURA CROS S