TP-Issue14.5 | 47 TEACH READ I NG & WR I T I NG l Patience l Facing up to challenges l Courage l Resilience l Dealingwith adversity l Being tenacious (not giving up) l Making the best of things Using the timeline to help you, can you find a point in the story where the Travellermakes the best of things? Is resilient? Shows good judgment? Is patient?Mark these points on the timeline. Part 3 - Developing emotional literacy Like the Traveller in this book, story characters have challenges to face and often get themselves into difficulties. Real life throws plenty of setbacks at us, too. We can’t always choose howwe deal with them, but we can develop attitudes and behaviours that will help us through tough times. And sometimes it’s the changes and challenges that shape our lives and help us grow. Use the book and the timeline to revisit the challenges and setbacks faced by the Traveller. How are they described? How does the Traveller respond? Do his or her attitudes and behaviours help? How?What do you think about this aspect of the book? Challenges and changes can scare us, evenwhenwe welcome them. It’s possible to feel scared and excited at the same time! In this book, Dr Seuss has shown the Traveller meeting some scary rock-like creatures with green eyes. “And when you’re alone, there’s a very good chance you’ll meet things that scare you right out of your pants. There are some down the road between hither and yon That can scare you so much you won’t want to go on…” Imagine you’re walking along the path in this picture with the Traveller. What can you see, hear and smell? How do you feel?What does the Traveller say, and how do you respond?What happens as you pass the rock-creatures? Tell the story. What frightens you? How does being frightened make you behave?What attitudes and actions help you deal with your fear and keep going? Use plasticine (or similar) tomake rock-creatures like the ones in this picture. Give your rocks eyes and stand them in a circle around a small toy. What would you say to the toy to encourage it, help it confront its fear or make it feel better? On slips of paper, write your words of advice or support. Put them in themiddle of the circle, then read the suggestions as a group and discuss. Have you discovered something that could help you when you’re scared or worried? Alternatively, look at the spread showing the Traveller rowing his boat past the Hakken-Kraks. What could they be saying to the Traveller? Explore ideas by roleplaying the scene in small groups. Show to the whole class, thenwrite the best ideas on sticky notes and add them to the picture. What would you say to help the Traveller? Have you any advice you could offer people who are worried or afraid? Activity 2 - Confronting the problem Follow up this part of the lesson with the ‘Confronting the problem’ activity on Downloadable Activity Sheet 2. Part 4 - Oh, The Places I’ll Go! What are your hopes for the future? Talk about what you’d like to do, where you’d like to go and the things you’d like to achieve. What skills, behaviours or attitudes will you need to make these things happen? For example, you might need to be hardworking, open-minded, learn how to milk goats, be able to run fast… What are the first steps you could take towards making these things possible? You might need to spend more time on your homework, for example, or join a goat- milking club... In the future, what kind of person will you be? How will you behave? What will you think is important? How would you like other people to describe you? Make a list of words or phrases to describe the person you’d like to become. Draw a picture of your future self, leaving space inside your body to write the list. Show your picture to a partner and introduce the ‘future you’. Activity 3 - Thinking about the future Use Downloadable Activity Sheet 3 and invite children to imagine six events they’d like to happen in the future, or things they’d like to do. Ask children to draw pictures of their chosen events or activities, one per square. Underneath each picture, ask pupils to write about what they’ve drawn. Alternatively, ask them to write a list of the skills, attitudes and behaviours they’ll need to make this activity or achievement possible. Illustrations © copyright Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L.P. 1990